Sunday 1 May 2011

Hello Devonshire Devoteas

There is almost nothing better than a nice hot (not too hot mind) cup of tea.  Unfortunately in this coffee obsessed world, the 'how to'  of properly preparing and serving a good cup of tea has been neglected. 

It is quite alright to be a full blown coffee snob, pouring cafe lattes with milk impressions of the Eiffel tower embedded onto the surface on one hand and delivering a pot of drippy tea with a generic tea bag hanging out and some left over thrice warmed skim milk on the side.  Come on people give tea a chance.

Quite frankly YOU CAN DO BETTER.

What goes better with a cup of tea than a scone?  Nothing that I have had the good fortune to stumble upon yet.  The CWA has a lot to say on what defines a good scone and I can tell you a lot of people are getting it very very wrong.

I am making it my duty to consume and review as many Devonshire teas as is polite whenever I have the good fortune to happen upon one.